Thank you for visiting Realms of Tiberium.
Here at Castle RoT we hope to bring you some amazing miniatures and a great gaming experience.
When developing the miniatures for this game we wanted to make sure we produced a high quality product that we could be proud of and to do so we have used some of the best sculptors and artists within this industry to create some stunning and individual pieces that we hope you will enjoy.
And so it is with the game. We wanted to create something immersive and fun, be it beginner or veteran to the game you have the chance to raise heroes to kings or queens. The chance to build your own Realm upon the vast continent of Tiberium.
From collecting to painting to playing. We believe have brought something for everyone.
As part of this wonderful community we value our customers feedback, so any questions, ideas, opinions or if you just want to tell us hopefully how happy you are with our products then please feel free to drop us a line.
Because when the RoT sets in, it’s time to have fun.
Collectable Figures
See our range of all resin figures
Resin Busts
Detailed Resin Bust Models
Age of Kings
Table top role playing game
Stories from the Realms of Tiberium and more
Now available globally