One of the great champions of the Elandri. Raskaar has fought many battles to protect the Elandri and their ways. So ferocious in battle is he that the people of Elandri have taken to calling him The Beast. A title he is more than happy to prove his worthiness for. He now travels the Realms of Tiberium in search of the Embers that are the fragmented soul of the Goddess Gnala, the entity bound within his fabled axe. Hoping that once has found enough of them she will be able to return to her own dimension and be free of her steel prison.
"Alanthe gave us a dream to fight for. Remember that dream. And fight for it. It doesn’t matter if you live or die. Only that you gave it your all in the fight for that dream." - Raskaar the Beast at the battle of Shuring Pass.
Box art by Tim Marsh